Total Credits: 3 Ethic CEs
The most current revision to the NASW Code of Ethics (2021) states that “Professional self-care is paramount for competent and ethical social work practice. Professional demands, challenging workplace climates, and exposure to trauma warrant that social workers maintain personal and professional health, safety, and integrity.” This workshop unpacks this principle by identifying the ethical issues related to self-care and invites participants to explore strategies and deepen their self-care practices to enhance best client outcomes.
This workshop meets the Maryland Board of Social Work Examiners’ requirements for Ethics CEs.
Gisele Ferretto, MSW, LCSW-C, has over thirty-five years of social work experience in both clinical and macro practice areas. Her areas of expertise include: policy, professional ethics, supervision and leadership, confidentiality, social work and field practicum education, child welfare practice, and curriculum development. Ms. Ferretto provides consultation and training for private and public agencies in her areas of expertise. She has served on various committees and boards at the local, state, and national level, developing policy and program initiatives.
Currently, Ms. Ferretto is on the faculty at the University of Maryland School of Social Work (SSW) and serves as the director of public policy and manager of training for the Office of Field Education. During her tenure at the SSW, she has held positions in the Office of Field Education, Child Welfare Fellowship Program, Child Welfare Academy, Family Connections Baltimore, and Social Work Community Outreach Service (SWCOS). Prior to her time at the SSW, she served as an administrator at the Maryland Department of Human Services in the following programs: Child Protective Services, Office of Equal Opportunity, and the Office of Staff Development and Training. Ms. Ferretto began her social work career as a child protective services worker at the Baltimore City Department of Social Services.
1:05 pm – 1:15 pm Log on
1:15 pm – 2:45 pm
Exploration of the Ethical Issues and concepts concerning Self-Care
Integrity, Empathy, and Self-Determination
NASW Code of Ethics and COMAR 10.42.03 Code of Ethics
Activity: Exploring Purpose
Identification of Potential Impact on Individual Client Services
Life Stress Scale
2:45 pm – 3:00 pm BREAK
3:00 pm – 4:30 pm
Exploration of the Terms Associated with Trauma, the Ethical Context, and Responses:
Primary Traumatic Stress, Secondary Traumatic Stress, Compassion Fatigue and Compassion Satisfaction, Vicarious Trauma, and Burnout
Assessment: Signs and Symptoms of Vicarious Trauma
Social Worker Strategies for Ethical Practice:
Identification of Compassion Satisfaction and Compassion Fatigue, Development of Strategies for Self-Care, Development of Support System, and Development of a Self-Care Plan
Ethical Responses at the Agency Level:
Agency Level Strategies
Social Work Practice Strategies Related to Safety
4:30 pm Adjournment
Upon the completion of this workshop, participants will be able to:
Identify & define the ethical issues which impact social work intervention and the social worker, including primary traumatic stress, secondary traumatic stress, compassion fatigue, vicarious trauma, and burnout.
Explore strategies for ethical practice including the balance of compassion satisfaction and compassion fatigue.
Identify the causes and signs of stress and obstacles for recovery.
Develop an individualized ethical plan including assessment, identification of supports, as well as an agency assessment to support overall well-being and effective client outcomes.
POPVOX Foundation:
International Critical Incident Foundation:
National Traumatic Stress Network
Professional Quality of Life Measure
Burnett H. J., & Wahl K (2015). The compassion fatigue and resilience connection: A survey of resilience, compassion fatigue, burnout, and compassion satisfaction among trauma responders. International Journal of Emergency Mental Health and Human Resilience, 17, 318–326. Doi: 10.4172/1522-4821.1000165
Category I Maryland BSWE Requirement
The Office of Continuing Professional Education at the University Of Maryland School Of Social Work is authorized by the Board of Social Work Examiners in Maryland to sponsor social work continuing education programs. This workshop qualifies for 3 Category I Continuing Education Units for ethics. The Office of Continuing Professional Education is also authorized by the Maryland Board of Psychologists and the Maryland Board of Professional Counselors to sponsor Category A continuing professional education.
Please refer to the tab "Live Interactive Webinar Policies & FAQs" for UMSSW Office of CPE policies regarding all live interactive webinar related matters.
Social Workers, LCPCs, and Psychologists
We welcome anyone interested in the topic!
The base price is $70, which includes CE credit.
Late Fee: On 3/6/25, a non-refundable late fee of $20 is added to the base price. Late fees cannot be refunded or applied to account credit.
Cancellations: **ALL cancellations will be subjected to a $35.00 administration fee.** To be eligible for a refund or CPE account credit, cancellations must be made at least 24 hours before the workshop.
For more information, please read the general policies on our website.
The Office of Continuing Professional Education hosts Live Interactive Webinars through Zoom. This platform offers a high quality and user-friendly webinar platform for our registrants.
System Requirements:
Our system is not compatible with the Safari web browser.
**Please have your device charging at all times to ensure that your device does not lose power during the webinar.
Course Interaction Requirements:
To participate in Live Interactive Webinars, you MUST have a device that allows you to view the presentation on screen and hear the instructor at all times. We do not allow participants to call-in from their phones or mobile devices and solely listen to the presentation. Participation in Live Interactive Webinars is mandatory.
Our webinar policies can be found on our website by clicking here.
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If you are requesting ADA accommodations, please contact our office via email at least two weeks prior to the workshop date. Requests after that date may not be fulfilled.
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Participants will have access to the evaluation after attendance has been verified. Evaluations will be available for one (1) week after the workshop has ended.
After one (1) week, participants will no longer have access to the evaluation and will have to contact CPE about reactivation.