Total Credits: 3 Supervision CEs
A social worker who assumes the role of supervisor has specific obligations. A supervisor is responsible for the quality of work that is performed by the supervise, they must be competent in the areas they provide supervision, and they are responsible for assisting the supervisee in gaining the knowledge and skills necessary to work effectively with their clients. That doesn’t stop the supervisor from using creative approaches during both individualized and group supervision. Participants will learn ways to keep supervision interesting while still instilling the knowledge necessary to become a successful independent practitioner.
This workshop meets the Maryland Board of Social Work Examiners’ requirements for Supervision CEs.
Joanna Frankel, MSW, LCSW-C is a graduate of Towson University with her Bachelor of both Psychology and Gerontology. Joanna obtained her MSW from the University of Maryland, School of Social Work with a clinical concentration and a focus in aging. Since then, Joanna has been working in the long-term care setting for over 20 years as a director and a consultant. Additionally, Joanna is passionate about supervising social work licensee candidates. Joanna is the Owner of Frankel Care Consulting, and her focus is to guide and educate professionals, individuals, and families through senior life transitions.
8:50 am - 9:00 am Log on
9:00 am - 10:30 am What is group and individual supervision?
10:30 am - 10:45 am Break
10:45 am - 12:15pm How group and individual can incorporate creativity.
12:15 pm Questions & Adjournment
Upon the completion of this workshop, participants will be able to:
Learn at least two ways to be creative during both individual and group supervision.
Understand at least two benefits of both group and individual supervision when using innovative approaches.
Recognize at least two reasons to keep supervision interesting when dealing with challenging scenarios.
Clinical Supervision Activities for Increasing Competence and Self-Awareness edited by Roy A. Bean, Sean D. Davis, Maureen P. Davey, 2014.
Gerontological Supervision: A Social Work Perspective in Case Management and By Ann Burack Weiss, Frances C. Brennan, 2008.
Gerontological Social work Supervision, Ann Burack-Weiss an frances C. Brennan, 1991.
Group Supervision: A Guide to Creative Practice, Brigid Proctor, 2000
Group Work and Aging: Issues in Practice, Research and Education, Robert Salmon, DSW, Roverta Graziano, DSW, 2004.
Handbook of Clinical Social Work Supervision, Third Edition, Carlton E. Munson, PhD, 2002.
Category I Maryland BSWE Requirement
The Office of Continuing Professional Education at the University Of Maryland School Of Social Work is authorized by the Board of Social Work Examiners in Maryland to sponsor social work continuing education programs. This workshop qualifies for 3 Category I Continuing Education Units for supervision. The Office of Continuing Professional Education is also authorized by the Maryland Board of Psychologists and the Maryland Board of Professional Counselors to sponsor Category A continuing professional education.
Please refer to the tab "Live Interactive Webinar Policies & FAQs" for UMSSW Office of CPE policies regarding all live interactive webinar related matters.
Social Workers, LCPCs, and Psychologists
We welcome anyone interested in the topic!
The base price is $70, which includes CE credit.
Late Fee: On 4/17/25, a non-refundable late fee of $20 is added to the base price. Late fees cannot be refunded or applied to account credit.
Cancellations: **ALL cancellations will be subjected to a $35.00 administration fee.** To be eligible for a refund or CPE account credit, cancellations must be made at least 24 hours before the workshop.
For more information, please read the general policies on our website.
The Office of Continuing Professional Education hosts Live Interactive Webinars through Zoom. This platform offers a high quality and user-friendly webinar platform for our registrants.
System Requirements:
Our system is not compatible with the Safari web browser.
**Please have your device charging at all times to ensure that your device does not lose power during the webinar.
Course Interaction Requirements:
To participate in Live Interactive Webinars, you MUST have a device that allows you to view the presentation on screen and hear the instructor at all times. We do not allow participants to call-in from their phones or mobile devices and solely listen to the presentation. Participation in Live Interactive Webinars is mandatory.
Our webinar policies can be found on our website by clicking here.
Click The Link to View The Webinar Policies & FAQs
If you are requesting ADA accommodations, please contact our office via email at least two weeks prior to the workshop date. Requests after that date may not be fulfilled.
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Participants will have access to the evaluation after attendance has been verified. Evaluations will be available for one (1) week after the workshop has ended.
After one (1) week, participants will no longer have access to the evaluation and will have to contact CPE about reactivation.