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Michele Beaulieu


Michele Beaulieu, LCSW-C, is a clinical assistant professor at the UMSSW, where until recently she managed four integrated behavioral health workforce development grants and projects. Work on these programs included developing and facilitating monthly seminars for competitively selected fellows in culturally and linguistically evidence-supported social work practices, as well as mentoring fellows in their final year of graduate work and as they launched careers in behavioral health.    

 Ms. Beaulieu’s teaching experience includes a semester course on Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) and a one-credit course in Interprofessional Healthcare Delivery.  Additionally, she co-developed and coordinated a one-credit interprofessional course on IPV across UMB’s professional schools and a one-credit interprofessional special topics course with Law and Public Health faculty.   

 Ms. Beaulieu has over twenty years of experience providing direct clinical service in the fields of intimate partner violence and women’s health as a licensed clinical social worker. As an OB/GYN ambulatory social worker, she advocated for and provided brief interventions to women across the lifespan related to reproductive health issues. 

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