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Megan Meyer, PhD

Dr. Meyer has taught community organization and macro social work practice at the School of Social Work for 17 years. Dr. Meyer’s research and publications have been interdisciplinary, spanning the fields of social work, sociology, and political science. She has sought to examine the practices and challenges of building social capital and organizing for social change in economically distressed urban environments, barriers to and practices in facilitating collaboration among community-based organizations and associations, and effective practices for community-university partnerships. She received her PhD and MSW degrees from the University of California, Los Angeles.

Product Type

Human-Centered Leadership in Everyday Practice

Total Credits: 3 including 3 Category I CEs

600 Leadership and Management |  700 Professional Growth & Development |  Special Offers
Megan Meyer, PhD |  Karen Hopkins, PhD
$70.00 Late Fee - $0.00

Fri, Nov 08, 2024 - 09:00am to 12:15pm EST

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