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Deepa Iyer, JD

Deepa Iyer is a South Asian American writer, strategist, lawyer, and racial justice advocate.

Currently, Deepa is a Strategic Advisor at Building Movement Project and Director of Solidarity Is, a project that provides trainings, narratives, and resources on building deep and lasting multiracial solidarity. Deepa’s areas of expertise include the post 9/11 America experiences of South Asian, Muslim, Arab and Sikh immigrants, immigration and civil rights policies, and racial equity and solidarity practices.

Product Type
On Demand

S22 Homecoming '22: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: Beyond the Checkboxes (On-Demand)

Total Credits: 2 including 2.5 Category II CEs

Homecoming |  OnDemand
Deepa Iyer, JD |  Judy L. Postmus, PhD, ACSW |  Lori James-Townes, MSW |  Neijma Celestine-Donnor, JD, LCSW-C
Audio and Video
$0.00 - Free (CEs are $15)

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