Christina Simmons, LCSW-C LICSW LCSW
Christina graduated Cum Laude from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, where she obtained a Bachelor's degree in Social Work. Christina graduated Summa Cum Laude from the University of Maryland, School of Social Work. She graduated with a Master's in Social Work, concentrating on Clinical Mental Health. Christina is currently pursuing a PhD in Mind-Body Medicine, specializing in Integrative Mental Health, Integrative and Functional Nutrition, and Clinical Hypnosis.
Throughout the course of her career, Christina has worked in the following areas: child welfare, domestic violence, clinical mental health, medical social work, and substance abuse. Christina has worked in the following settings: Departments of Social Services, Non-Profits, Outpatient Mental Health Centers, Hospitals, and Federal Qualified Health Centers. These experiences led to the development of her own private practice, in which she gives special attention to marginalized populations in a therapeutic environment.
Christina speaks and presents on mental health, domestic violence, homicide, trauma, child abuse/neglect, self-care, and trauma-informed care. Christina focuses on healing from traumatic events using integrative, mind-body approaches. As a social worker, she also supervises and trains other social workers seeking independent licensure. Currently, she is expanding her knowledge of healing from trauma through current training in Somatic Experiencing.
Christina is a wife, a proud member of the LGBTQ+ community, and the proud daughter of a Vietnam Veteran. She's passionate about healing, social justice, mental health, and mental wellness.