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Increasing Rigorous Evaluation of Interventions to Reduce Gender-based Violence Victimization

Total Credits: 1 including 1 Category II CEs

Special Offers
Judy L. Postmus, PhD, ACSW |  Christopher D. Maxwell, Ph.D, MA |  Alissa Pollitz, Ph.D, MA
1 Hour 15 Minutes



The Violence Against Women Act of 1994 (VAWA) and its re-authorizations mandated a number of research efforts that stimulated a dramatic enhancement to violence against women research supported by the National Institute of Justice (NIJ). This legislation has supported federal, state, local, and private partners to implement policies and programs and conduct research directly related to gender-based violence. However, questions remain about the effectiveness of those mandates. This brownbag will discuss the gaps and challenges to conducting evaluation of gender-based violence interventions. Panelists will discuss strategies to move the field forward to increase rigorous evaluation.


Judy L. Postmus, PhD, ACSW Related Seminars and Products

Dean & Professor, University of Maryland School of Social Work


Judy L. Postmus began her term as dean of the University of Maryland School of Social Work (UMSSW) on July 1, 2020. Selected after a nationwide search, Postmus succeeded Richard P. Barth, PhD, MSW, who had served as the school’s dean since 2006.

Postmus joined UMSSW after 14 years with the School of Social Work at Rutgers University. She was a professor as well as associate dean for faculty development and strategic initiatives (2018-2019) and associate dean for research and faculty development (2019-2020).

Postmus’ research has focused on the physical, sexual, and economic victimization of women. At Rutgers, she was the founder and director of the Center on Violence Against Women and Children (2007-2018), which works to eliminate physical, sexual, and other forms of violence against women and children — and the power imbalances that permit them — through multidisciplinary research, education, and community engagement.

Christopher D. Maxwell, Ph.D, MA Related Seminars and Products

Christopher D. Maxwell is Professor in the School of Criminal Justice at Michigan State University [MSU].  He is a member of MSU's Center for Gender in Global Context (GenCen), a Faculty Associate at the University of Michigan’s Institute for Social Research, and an Honorary Senior Research Fellow at Cardiff University, Wales, U.K.  Dr. Maxwell’s research and engagement activities primarily focus on understanding and improving how governments and NGOs can prevent and control intimate partner violence and violence against women.  His sponsored research projects include several that have examined the benefits and costs of sanctions and therapeutic treatments for spouse abusers, the impact of police and court services

Alissa Pollitz, Ph.D, MA Related Seminars and Products

Alissa Pollitz Worden is on the faculty of the School of Criminal Justice at the University at Albany.  Her research interests include criminal court decision making, with particular focus pretrial processes and the dynamics of courthouse cultures, and social and legal policies that shape incentives, decisions, and consequences for court actors, defendants and victims.  She is currently investigating the implementation and impacts of New York State’s recent bail reform legislation. Her research has been funded by the National Institute of Justice and Arnold Ventures. Worden currently serves as a Senior Researcher in the area of victimization for the National Institute of Justice's CrimeSolutions initiative.

Learning Objectives

 Learning Objectives:

    • Increase awareness of gender-based violence intervention resources and outcomes.
    • Understand the challenges to assessing the effectiveness of gender-based violence intervention programs.  
    • Identify strategies to increase rigorous research and evaluation on the area of gender-based violence.

Bibliography & References



Late Fees and Refunds

Fee & Registration:

The presentation is free. CE credit cost is $15.

No refunds, credits or transfers are permitted. 



Live Interactive Webinar Platforms




The Office of Continuing Professional Education hosts Live Interactive Webinars through two platforms: Zoom and WebEx.

Both platforms offer high quality and user-friendly webinar platforms for our registrants.


System Requirements:

  • Operating Systems: Windows XP or higher; MacOS 9 or higher; Android 4.0 or higher.
  • Internet Browser: Google Chrome; Firefox 10.0 or higher.

Our system is not compatible with the Safari web browser.

  • Broadband Internet Connection: Cable, High-speed DSL and any other medium that is internet accessible.

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Course Interaction Requirements:

To participate in Live Interactive Webinars, you MUST have a device that allows you to view the presentation on screen and hear the instructor at all times. We do not allow participants to call-in from their phones or mobile devices and solely listen to the presentation. Participation in Live Interactive Webinars is mandatory.

Course Completion & CE Information


Category II Maryland BSWE Requirement

The Office of Continuing Professional Education at the University Of Maryland School Of Social Work is authorized by the Board of Social Work Examiners in Maryland to sponsor social work continuing education programs. This workshop qualifies for 1 Category II Continuing Education Units. The Office of Continuing Professional Education is also authorized by the Maryland Board of Psychologists and the Maryland Board of Professional Counselors to sponsor Category B continuing professional education.

Please refer to the tab "Live Interactive Webinar Policies & FAQs" for UMSSW Office of CPE policies regarding all live interactive webinar related matters.

Target Audience

Social Workers, LCPCs, and Psychologists

All those interested in Topic Welcomed