S22-103 No Such Thing as a Bad Kid: Understanding and Responding to Kids with Emotional & Behavioral Challenges Using a Positive, Trauma-Informed, Strength-Based Approach (Day 2)

Strength-based practice is an emerging approach to guiding children, youth, families and, in particular those with emotional and behavioral challenges, that is exceptionally positive and inspiring. Its focus is on strength-building rather than flaw-fixing. It begins with the belief that every young person has or can develop strengths and utilize past successes to mitigate problem behavior and enhance social and academic functioning. This full-day, comprehensive workshop will highlight many of the key principles and techniques of this transforming modality. Areas covered include: What is strength-based practice & the power of a positive attitude and culture; the effects of trauma and positive emotions on the brain; strength-based communication principles and techniques - including reframing, using solution-focused questions, positive-predicting and inspirational metaphors; encouraging growth vs. fixed mindsets; self-esteem building and activities for at-risk children and youth; how to help cognitively-inflexible young people; the importance of being family-friendly; why, how, and when to use incentive plans; the importance of controlling personal emotions (i.e. managing number one first); respectful limit setting; and a host of creative cognitive behavioral strategies.